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關於 Elderplan(長老計劃)



Our commitment to excellence drives us to tailor our Medicare Advantage plans to fit the changing needs of Medicare and dual Medicare and Medicaid beneficiaries at every level of health.

Elderplan(長老計劃)的 Medicare 聯邦醫療保險優勢計劃超越了原始 Medicare 聯邦醫療保險承保的福利範圍,可提供處方藥、聽力、視力、牙科等額外優勢。

長老計劃 慶祝 40 年 的優質護理


我們知道保持健康並不總是像看醫生或服用處方藥那麼簡單。 不幸的是,基於種族、民族和財務穩定性的獲得優質健康護理的差距仍然普遍存在。 Elderplan(長老計劃)與我們的價值觀一致,透過致力於推動健康平等,縮小醫療差距,並確保我們的所有會員都能獲得高品質的計劃和服務。

在 Elderplan(長老計劃),我們不僅僅是一個健保計劃;我們是您的健康合作夥伴,致力於提高您的生活品質,並確保您根據本身需求的變化獲得盡可能最好的護理。

Another Advantage of Being an Elderplan Member

Elderplan is a Medicare Advantage plan, which is a proud part of the MJHS Health System family. Both Elderplan and MJHS are not-for-profit organizations that share the same core values of compassion, dignity and respect. In addition, an advantage to our members of Elderplan/HomeFirst being part of the MJHS family, is that our health system also includes: MJHS Home Care, MJHS Hospice and Palliative Care, as well as MJHS Isabella and MJHS Menorah Centers for Rehabilitation and Nursing Care. So, should you require access to additional support over time, and choose to receive services from MJHS, the Elderplan team can work together with their colleagues from across the system to better coordinate your care.

Nurse assisting elderly man with walker