We understand the significance of finding the right doctor for your needs. Use the directory below to locate a provider within our network. For our members, there’s also the option to access comprehensive information about health care coverage in your ‘Evidence of Coverage’.
If you’re considering joining our plans, Elderplan provides access to an extensive network of doctors who can ensure you receive the care you need. When you enroll, you can continue seeing your current doctor.
If you are a member of Elderplan Plus Long-Term Care (HMO-POS D-SNP) you can also search for behavioral health providers.
You will have to choose one of our network providers who are listed in this directory to be your Primary Care Physician (PCP). Generally, you must get your health care services from your PCP. The term “PCP” will be used throughout this directory.
The “network providers” listed in this directory have agreed to provide you with health care, long-term care benefits, vision and dental services. You may go to any of our network providers listed in this directory. If you have been going to one network provider, you are not required to continue to go to that same provider.
If an out‐of‐network provider sends a bill directly to you, you should not pay the bill but should submit it to the plan at the address provided below for processing and determination of enrollee liability, if any.
Medical Claims:
Attn: Member Services
55 Water Street, 46th Floor
New York, NY 10041
The Elderplan provider directory contains the following:
- 763 Ancillaries
- 75 Hospitals
- 596 Long-Term Services
- 8,995 Primary Care Physicians
- 164 Skilled Nursing Facilities
- 36,628 Specialists
- 1,118 Dentists
- 3,846 Pharmacies
Get medical help as quickly as possible. Dial 911 for help or go directly to the nearest emergency room. In any emergency, you never need to contact any plan providers, even your own PCP, for either permission (“authorization”) or referral.
However, as soon as possible, you or someone else should contact your PCP or Elderplan about your emergency. Your PCP or Elderplan will need to be involved in following up on your emergency care. Your PCP’s telephone number appears on your Elderplan membership card. To contact Elderplan, please call Member Services at 1-800-353-3765 between 8:00 A.M. and 8:00 P.M., 7 days a week. TTY users should dial 711.
You can get covered emergency medical care whenever you need it, anywhere in the world.
Emergency care can always be obtained from the nearest available provider in or out of the service area. You must use plan providers for urgent care when in the service area.
You must use plan providers except in emergency or urgent care situations or for out‐of‐area renal dialysis. If you obtain routine care from out‐of‐network providers, neither Medicare nor Elderplan will be responsible for the costs.
To request a hard copy of Elderplan’s provider directory, please call our Member Service Department at 1-800-353-3765 (TTY users should call 711) between 8:00 A.M. and 8:00 P.M., 7 days a week. Elderplan will mail you a hard copy of the provider directory within three (3) business days of your request. Elderplan may ask whether your request for a hard copy is a one-time request or if you request to receive the provider directory in hard copy permanently.
If you request hard copies of the provider directory, your request will remain until you leave Elderplan or request that hard copies be discontinued.