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HomeFirst Wellness Incentive Program

HomeFirst is pleased to offer our members a $25 gift card for each completed vaccination or exam!

Your team at Elderplan/HomeFirst knows how important preventive care is to your health and well-being. That’s why we are rewarding you for receiving the care you need with a $25 gift card for each eligible health-related activity you completed by December 31, 2025.

Eligible Screenings


The Wellness Incentive Program includes both the Flu shot and COVID-19 vaccination. Each can be earned once per calendar year.

Annual Dental Exam

Dental exams can be performed in the dentist’s office or in the comfort of your home. If you would like a provider to come to your home, please call Member Services at 1-877-771-1119, 8:30 a.m. – 5 p.m., Monday through Friday, and ask to speak to your Care Manager to schedule an appointment. Important: Only dental exams performed in 2024 qualify for the incentive.

Annual Hearing Exam

Routine hearing screenings may increase diagnosis and treatment of hearing loss in adults. If you’ve had a hearing test performed anytime in 2024 it counts toward the Wellness Incentive Program.

How to Get Rewarded

  1. Bring the Wellness Incentive Form with you on your next visit with your provider.
  2. Discuss and have the required screening completed.
  3. Have your provider(s) confirm by placing their stamp on the Wellness Card.

Send your card as soon as it is completed, by December 31, 2025.

  1. by mail to: Elderplan / HomeFirst, Attn: Wellness Team, 55 Water Street 46th Floor, New York, NY 10041
  2. by email to: [email protected]
  3. or upload it through our website

Note: Allow up to 14 weeks for processing.

Green stamp, HomeFirst Wellness Incentive
Green stamp, HomeFirst Wellness Incentive